AI in legal teams: How it saves time

Guildhawk | Oct 18, 2024 9:50:05 AM

AI is changing industries worldwide and the legal sector is no exception. From automating routine tasks to document management and contract analysis, AI is changing how law firms work – saving time, cost and allowing professionals to do high value work.

The AI landscape in the legal industry

The legal industry is going through a big change with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. These AI powered solutions are streamlining workflows and reducing human error in complex processes like document review, contract management and even legal research.

AI is particularly useful for global law firms that operate across multiple jurisdictions. Language AI tools are helping lawyers work more efficiently by automating translations, providing insights into local laws and ensuring consistency across different legal systems.

AI can assist with information, but it will never replace in-house lawyers ability to balance commercial interests and make decisions aligned with an organisations unique mission, values, and go

Document review and discovery: AI’s time saver

For law firms dealing with big volumes of documents, legal AI tools can automate the manual review process, making it time-efficient and cost-effective. These tools can analyse large amounts of legal data, identifying relevant documents and flagging important information – often in a fraction of the time it would take a human.

  • In addition, AI with translation capabilities can review documents in multiple languages, so nothing gets lost in translation. This is critical in high-risk litigation and regulatory compliance.

AI powered contract review and negotiation tools can further speed up document processing by flagging inconsistencies, identifying missing clauses, and summarising content for non-legal stakeholders.

Explore our comprehensive guide to translating legal documents.

Contract analysis and management with legal AI tools

Contract lifecycle management is a key function for global law firms especially those with multi-national clients. AI powered contract analysis tools can streamline contract drafting, review and management by identifying common clauses, detecting risks and ensuring compliance with local and international regulations, making the selection of the right legal AI tool crucial.

  • For firms operating across borders AI tools can ensure consistency by analysing contracts in different legal systems. These systems can flag outdated clauses, suggest alternative language and alert legal teams to potential regulatory issues. AI tools can also consolidate contracts into one template and bulk translate contract clauses into different languages.

By automating these routine tasks AI allows legal teams to focus on high level strategy such as negotiating complex terms or advising clients on risk.

Legal research and case preparation

Legal research is a fundamental part of any lawyer’s job but it’s often time consuming, especially when dealing with complex cases across multiple jurisdictions.

AI powered legal research platforms, using natural language processing (NLP), are changing the way lawyers access precedents, statutes, and case law by searching through vast amounts of data and identifying the most relevant cases or legal arguments.

AI tools with multilingual capabilities can also help legal teams to research across different legal systems.

Automating admin tasks

Admin tasks can eat up a lot of time. AI powered tools can handle everything from client intake to scheduling and billing, simplifying various legal tasks so legal teams can focus on strategic work.

  • Chatbots, for example, can respond to client queries, schedule meetings, or handle routine legal requests. AI can also assist with multilingual communication so international clients can interact seamlessly.

Also, self-service contracting tools where non-legal teams can generate contracts based on pre-approved terms are becoming more common, saving time and accelerating deal cycles.

AI for compliance and regulatory monitoring

Global firms must navigate an ever-changing regulatory landscape. Legal departments can simplify this by using AI to monitor local and international regulations. Firms can stay up to date on new laws so they can remain compliant and avoid costly mistakes.

  • AI can automatically flag changes in data privacy, security or intellectual property laws and alert teams to update contracts or processes.

This is especially important in heavily regulated industries like finance, healthcare and technology.

Ethical considerations for AI in law

While legal generative AI presents many opportunities, it also raises several ethical considerations, especially around bias, transparency, and accountability. AI tools can perpetuate bias if trained on biased data and the decision-making process is not transparent.

  • To address this, legal professionals need to understand how AI tools work, recognise the potential for bias, and ensure transparency in their use.

Regulatory bodies are developing ethical guidelines for AI in the legal profession to ensure the use of these tools are aligned with justice and fairness.

Implementing AI in your law firm

Implementing AI in your law firm

Implementing AI in your law firm can be a game-changer, but it requires careful planning and execution.

Some steps to consider are outlined below.

  1. Assess your needs: Start by identifying the areas where AI can add the most value to your legal operations. Whether it’s enhancing legal research, streamlining document review, or optimising contract analysis, pinpointing these needs will guide your AI strategy.
  2. Choose the right tools: Select AI-powered tools that are specifically designed for the legal industry and align with your firm’s unique requirements. Look for solutions that offer robust features tailored to legal research, document management, and compliance.
  3. Develop a training plan: Equip your lawyers and staff with the necessary skills to use AI tools effectively. Comprehensive training programs will ensure that your team can leverage these technologies to their full potential.
  4. Establish workflows: Integrate AI tools into your existing workflows to ensure a seamless adoption process. This might involve re-engineering certain processes to accommodate the new technology.
  5. Monitor and evaluate: Regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of AI tools in your law firm. This will help you ensure that they are meeting your needs and delivering the expected benefits.

By following these steps, you can successfully implement AI in your law firm and reap the benefits of increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

Trust and accuracy in AI decision-making

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in the legal industry, trust and accuracy in AI decision-making are crucial.

Some factors to consider include the following.

  1. Data quality: The foundation of any reliable AI system is high-quality data. Ensure that the data used to train AI models is accurate, complete, and relevant to your legal practice. Do not trust data scraped from the web.
  2. Model transparency: Opt for AI models that provide transparent explanations for their decisions and recommendations. This transparency is essential for building trust and ensuring accountability.
  3. Human oversight: Implement human oversight and review processes to ensure that AI decisions are accurate and reliable. Human judgment remains a critical component in validating AI outputs.
  4. Testing and validation: Regularly test and validate AI models to ensure they are performing as expected. Continuous testing helps in identifying and rectifying any discrepancies or biases.
  5. Continuous learning: AI models should be continuously updated and refined to ensure they remain accurate and effective. This involves incorporating new data and learning from past experiences.

By prioritising trust and accuracy in AI decision-making, you can ensure that AI tools are used effectively and responsibly in your law firm.

The business case for AI in legal

The business case for AI in the legal industry is compelling/

Some benefits to consider are outlined below.

  1. Increased efficiency: AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for more strategic and high-value work. This allows legal professionals to focus on complex legal issues rather than routine administrative tasks.
  2. Improved accuracy: AI can reduce errors and improve accuracy in legal research, document review, and contract analysis. This leads to more reliable outcomes and better client satisfaction.
  3. Enhanced client service: AI can help law firms provide faster, more accurate, and more personalised service to clients. Real-time insights and predictive analytics enable firms to anticipate client needs and offer proactive solutions.
  4. Cost savings: AI can significantly reduce costs associated with manual review and analysis of legal documents. This cost efficiency can be passed on to clients, making legal services more affordable.
  5. Competitive advantage: Law firms that adopt AI can gain a competitive advantage in the market. By leveraging advanced AI tools, firms can differentiate themselves and attract more clients.

The future of AI in the legal industry

The future of AI in legal teams looks good. As AI technologies advance, generative AI tools will play a bigger role in automating complex tasks like legal research and document review.

AI powered tools will also become more embedded in legal advice so lawyers can deliver faster and more personalised advice.


The possibilities for AI in global firms are endless and those who adopt AI tools will be better equipped to succeed in the competitive legal world. AI will help legal teams to work smarter, not harder.