Maximising Learning Retention and Safety Outcomes with Digital Humans

Guildhawk | May 1, 2024 10:53:57 AM

Did you know that an average person in the U.S. consumes over 100,000 words every day? That’s about 5 times of what they did in 1986. The trouble is, there is only so much our brain can process.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the sheer volume of information we encounter daily is increasingly straining our brains' capacity for processing and retention.

This creates a novel challenge for educators and businesses: how can they effectively communicate messages and ensure learners retain information?

The answer lies in a new wave of educational technology: digital human avatars.

These AI-powered instructors offer a unique solution – they can personalise learning, create engaging experiences, and boost information retention.

Leveraging visual and auditory cues

Research shows that learners retain information and comprehend concepts better when presented with both visual and auditory elements.

  • According to the Wharton School of Business, presentations that offered both verbal and visual features were on average 17% more persuasive than verbal speeches alone.
  • In the International Journal of Educational Technology, data also suggests that individuals are more likely to remember information presented in multimedia formats that combine visual and auditory cues.

Digital human avatars combine visual and auditory learning in an authoritative and efficient way. By combining visual elements like facial expressions, body language, and simulations with clear spoken explanations and personalised feedback, digital avatars can lead to a significant improvement in knowledge retention and overall learning outcomes.

Interactive simulations: Enhancing engagement and skill acquisition

Digital human avatars are also useful in creating an interactive, simulated learning environment which is proven to be beneficial for boosting engagement and skill development across various sectors.

For instance, a meta-analysis of Simulation-Based Learning in different types of construction materials found that interactive simulations, compared to conventional teaching methods, are the most effective means to facilitate learning of complex skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, learning through customised, interactive simulations have been proven to activate long-term memory and to improve attention-spans, both of which are crucial for skill acquisition and knowledge retention.

Real-world applications: Transforming industries through immersive learning

In industries where safety is paramount, such as construction and healthcare, the adoption of digital human avatars can lead to tangible improvements in training effectiveness and safety outcomes.

  • For example, by incorporating Guildhawk’s digital human avatars into safety training programs, the number of workplace accidents can be drastically reduced. By simulating hazardous scenarios and providing interactive feedback, avatars help workers develop crucial risk assessment skills and safety protocols, leading to a safer work environment.
  • Similarly, in the healthcare sector, research has shown that medical students who engage in virtual simulations exhibit greater confidence and competence in clinical settings. By practicing procedures and patient interactions in a simulated environment, students develop critical thinking skills and improve patient outcomes.

Embracing the future of learning and safety training

Organisations can enhance learning retention, improve efficiency, and ultimately, ensure safer and more skilled workforces through multimedia learning and interactive simulations. Guildhawk’s digital human avatar service and avatar LMS platform can pave the way for a future where learning is immersive, engaging, and effective across all industries.

If you’re interested in elevating your online training with our multilingual digital humans and avatar LMS platform, please get in touch