The GMDN Agency was formed by medical device experts from around the world to manage and maintain the Global Medical Device Nomenclature, or GMDN.
This system of internationally agreed descriptors is used to identify medical devices with consistency in all countries and languages. Device names are standardised so that doctors and other medical professionals have the clarity they need to save lives.
The GMDN Agency selected Guildhawk following their search for a supplier with stringent processes and specialist linguists.
The Challenge
A large and complex project
The extraordinarily large remit of the GMDN Agency means they govern thousands of highly complex medical terms and definitions. With patients’ lives at stake, the importance of accuracy couldn’t be higher.
Guildhawk has carefully selected linguists with expertise in this specialist content, while our Translation Memory systems and additional checks ensure that we are able to provide complete consistency in every language.
The Solution
Tailored localisation workflow and typesetting excellence
Guildhawk’s fully outsourced, collaborative service is delivering a continuously evolving catalogue of medical terms and definitions. While the volume of output is extremely high, our proprietary project management tools allow us to maintain the highest level of quality and consistency.
The GMDN Agency have also benefitted from the cost savings Guildhawk can achieve. We utilise an advanced collaboration platform that allows us to drive down the cost of managing complex projects, while Translation Memory management means that we can offer increasing efficiencies for larger and ongoing projects, with an extensive library of terms now held in our database for the client.
The Results
Measurable Impact and Benefits
The implemented solution showcased remarkable outcomes across various aspects:
Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency:
By carefully selecting linguists with specialised knowledge in medical terminology, Guildhawk ensured that accuracy and consistency were maintained throughout the translation process. The use of Translation Memory systems and rigorous checks further fortified the quality of translated content.
Continuous Evolution of Medical Catalogue:
We fully outsourced collaborative service enabled the GMDN Agency to develop and maintain an evolving catalogue of medical terms and definitions. Despite the considerable volume of content, the proprietary project management tools employed by Guildhawk enabled the GMDN Agency to consistently update and expand their medical nomenclature, ensuring it remains current and relevant to the evolving medical landscape.