Cookie Policy

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Cookie Policy

This website will automatically track certain information about you in the course of you using this website, such as your IP address and browser identification.

This information is used only for system administration and for providing statistics to evaluate use of this site. We will use cookies to remember your preferences during your current visit, and any future visits provided the cookie was not deleted in the interim.

We may remarket your information. Remarketing is a way for us to connect with users, based upon your past interactions with the Guildhawk website. Third-party marketing vendors may be hired by Guildhawk to perform remarketing services. As a result, third-party vendors, including Google, may show Guildhawk ads on sites on the internet. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to Guildhawk website.

To opt out of customized Google Display Network ads click here. To find out more about how Google uses any data it collects please visit

Any information collected is used only for remarketing purposes and will not be used by them for any other purpose.

Questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed in writing to:

18th-19th Floor
100 Bishopsgate
United Kingdom

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