Research and Innovation

Partner with us to research, trial and test ideas that will advance AI

  • Academic and scientific research
  • AI testing and proof-of-concepts
  • Knowledge transfer partnerships
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Research and innovation
Advancing AI for good

Advancing AI for good  

We undertake innovation projects that seek to achieve an advance in the development of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) by tackling difficult and novel challenges. We partner with universities, global institutions, and pioneers in industry and the arts. Our speciality is in data science, large language models (LLMs), and overcoming big challenges in labelling multilingual datasets with human and automated techniques.  

Tackling difficult challenges

Tackling novel and difficult challenges like processing multilingual data sets in new ways to protect privacy and create high-quality data to train machine learning is our priority since these are the foundations that enable AI to function safely and generate inferences, without hallucinations. If you are pushing the boundaries of AI for good and want a partner to help you resolve a challenge with LLMs, we would love to hear from you.

processing multilingual data sets
Resolving technologocal issues

Resolving technological uncertainties  

Our focus is on innovations in the field of conversational AI to power future generations of digital human assistants to improve safety and wellbeing of people and life on earth. We are remarkable in that we uniquely invest 23% of our revenue into the resolution of scientific or technological uncertainties. We do this because it is consistent with the ESG promises made by our founder Jurga Zilinskiene MBE that power our business’ philosophy.

Key features

Backed by Innovate UK Scale-Up Programme

Backed by Innovate UK Scale-Up Programme

Official partner of Sheffield Hallam University

Official partner of Sheffield Hallam University

23% of revenue invested into R&D

23% of revenue invested into R&D

In-house technology team with AI developers

In-house technology team with AI developers

Expertise in LLMs and vast proprietary datasets

Expertise in LLMs and vast proprietary datasets

Official partner of Gammon Construction

Official partner of Gammon Construction


Investigating international criminal activity

The City of London Police is responsible for protecting the United Kingdom’s financial, residential and historic cultural centre in the heart of London, known as the Square Mile.

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The Elders trust Guildhawk with secure, confidential translation.

The Elders was founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007. An independent group of global leaders working for peace, justice, ...

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