Wishing You a Happy Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon
As the new lunar year begins, it is time for the Water Rabbit to welcome the Dragon and wish them well before departing back to the moon until it is their time to return to earth.
To celebrate this moment, our very own Water Rabbits, Chairman Mark Brooks-Wadham and CSO David Clarke, presented our Fire Dragon CEO Jurga with a specially commissioned Wood Dragon sculpture.
May the Year of the Wood Dragon bring you, your family and friends good health, peace, and much happiness.
A question for you:
Was Jurga’s Wood Dragon sculpted by a human artist or an AI powered technology?
隨著新的農曆年伊始,水兔們要迎接木龍的到來,並祝福它們在返回月球之前一切順利,直到它們再次返回地球。為了慶祝這一刻,我們的水兔、主席Mark Brooks-Wadham和 CSO David Clarke向我們的火龍贈送了特別製作的木龍雕塑。願您、您的家人和朋友在木龍年健康、和平、幸福。
問您一個問題:Jurga 的木龍是由人類藝術家雕刻的,還是由人工智慧技術驅動的?
随着新的农历年伊始,水兔们要迎接木龙的到来,并祝愿它们在返回月球之前一切顺利,直到它们再次返回地球。为了庆祝这一时刻,我们的水兔、主席Mark Brooks-Wadham和 CSO David Clarke向我们的火龙赠送了特别制作的木龙雕塑。愿您、您的家人和朋友在木龙年健康、和平和幸福。
问您一个问题:Jurga 的木龙是由人类艺术家雕刻的,还是由人工智能技术驱动的?